How To Get A New Blog Post Index On Google Within 8 Minutes


After years of experience in affiliate marketing, I discover some good strategies on how to let the search engine to index your website as soon as possible, even it is a new one! If you are a newbie, no worries because there are strategies behind on how to get index on Google quickly (literally within 8 minutes!). You don’t need to wait for day-by-day to wait and hope for Google index your page.

How To Get A New Blog Post Index On Google Within 8 Minutes

Here are the tools that you should have to rank quick on Google:

  1. You need to have Google XML Sitemaps (Free plugin) installed on your WP Dashboard. I learn this from the Wealthy Affiliate. If you are unsure how to install and use it, you can view the free teaching here. There are lots of plugins in the market, but Google XML Sitemaps is the best I found so far and I literally use it on all my websites!
  2.  You need to register your website on Google Search Console, just add your website address as one of the new property and use the tag manager to get verified the ownership of the website. WA also has video teaching on how to use Google Search Console. Here is the link: 
  3. When you get these two tools ready, you are pretty much ready to go.


My experience on how to get google index quick

Recently I am thinking of writing something about Asian culture (It is part of my interest as well!). Therefore, I bought a domain name on WA which also provides free hosting for the member on 21st July 2020. It takes a few days for me to figure out what themes should I use, how to use the theme that I choose, and the approach on how to drive traffic to the website. I don’t want Google to index my website if nothing to show there.


After all the routine work e.g. setting up all the useful plugins, setting up the theme, etc, I decided to work on writing blog posts from 23rd July. After I wrote the blog post, I do the usual steps to get Google index and BOOM! Until now – 26th July, I got 31 URLs crawled and successfully indexed on google within 3 days.


index result


How do I get a totally new website index quick on Google?


Let me give you an example. I wrote a blog post about how to use chopsticks this morning. After finishing the blog post, I perform the following tasks.


1. Go to WP Dashboard – Google XML sitemaps -> Click Notify search engines about your sitemaps


2. Go to Google Search Console Engine, and select your property domain name.


3. On the top bar, you will see inspect any URL. Put the URL of the blog post you just wrote there. And press ‘ENTER’. I requested Google to inspect my page on 11:24 am UK time. You will see the URL is not on Google.


4. Click Request Indexing. It takes a while for Google to perform this function – usually 1 – 3 minutes. After you click request indexing, you should see the following message – Indexing requested. I received this indexing requested confirmation at 11: 27 am UK time.


5. A few minutes later, I ask Google to inspect my page again by putting my link on the top bar. Boom! It got indexed at 11:32 am UK time (Literally within few minutes!) – URL is on Google!

If you follow the above strategies, you can get your URL to be crawled and index by Google as soon as possible. It is unwise to wait for Google index your page or a new website – It takes 2 -3 weeks if you just wait for it to index! And by that time, you may lose out a bite in the market.


SEE – This is my result. Within a week, my 31 URLs links are discovered and indexed by Google.


  • If you use Bing webmaster, I would recommend you to do the same by submitting URLs there to get it indexes. If you are unsure how to submit a URL on Bing, you can see the teaching here.

How to Get Your Website Indexed and Ranked in Bing Yahoo

Final Words

I hope this blog post is useful for you. If you have any strategy on how to rank quick on google for your new website or new blog post, feel free to comment to share your ideas with me and my readers.

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